Sunday, October 25, 2009

Spice Girl Mel B Totally Fit For Six Pack Abs & Nice Body!

Video segments from the "Mel B Totally Fit" workout video: A straight-forward, calisthenic-style workout led by Mel B, a former Spice Girl. With a different exercise every 60 seconds, its easy to stay motivated (the programmable DVD also lets you play any segment in any order, so you can choose the exact sections that interest you). This is a just-follow-along program without a lot of detailed cuing. But thats okay; the moves are all familiar fitness favori.
Also check out 'Spice Girl' Mel B Shows Off Famous Sculpted Six Pack Abs!

Mel B Totally Fit

Melanie B - Totally Fit # 2

Melanie B - Totally Fit [Warm Up & Cooling Off]

Melanie B - Totally Fit [Legs and Bums]

Mel B Totally Fit

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