Sunday, November 15, 2009

Holly Super Cow Sold For $1.2 Million-Selective Breeding & Mating [VIDEO]

[VIDEO] At Toronto's annual Royal Agricultural Winter Fair 2009 on November 15th 2009, 'Missy' the holly super cow, a three-year-old dairy cow, bred by P.E.I. was sold at auction for $1.2 million to U.S. and Denmark buyers! Just why and how exactly does one bred these rare, perfect and super cows, take a look an interesting National Geographic video documents about how breeders creates these gigantic cows resemble bovine bodybuilders for "super cow" with the process call as "selective breeding/mating"!
Super Cow selective breeding and mating

Cow sells for $1.2 million

Meet the Super Cow

(If any video or link is broken, please comment below, thanks!)

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