Thursday, November 5, 2009

Fort Hood Texas Mass Shooter Army Major-Malik Nadal Hasan [VIDEOS]

Fort Hood Texas Mass Shooter Army Major-Malik Nadal Hasan
The President expresses sympathy and asks the nation to pray for the soldiers and families affected by the Fort Hood shootings as he closes the Tribal Nations Conference at the Department of the Interior.
A t least a dozen people were killed during a soldier shooting rampage at the Ft. Hood army base. As David Martin reports, police fatally shot the gunman and two other suspects have been apprehended.
President Obama's Remarks On Mass Shooting At U.S. Army Base Fort Hood, Texas - Shooter Identified As Army Major Malik Nadal Hasan Was A Mental Health Doctor[Psychiatrist]!
The Fort Hood Army Base in Texas is the largest military post in the country. Even before Thursdays deadly shooting rampage there, military officials were working to address the stresses of combat.
Colleague of Maj. Malik Nadal Hasan recalls 'outlandish' comments from Fort Hood shooter. In a surprise revelation, Ft. Hood base commander Lt. Gen. Bob Cone said that the soldier allegedly behind a massive killing spree is in fact still alive, despite previous reports that he was dead.
Convenience Store Surveillance Video Of Fort Hood Shooter Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan!
Several people flocked to Scott and White Memorial Hospital hospital near the Ft. Hood Army post to donate blood Thursday evening following an urgent call for all blood types. 31 people were injured when an Army psychiatrist opened fire at Fort Hood.
(11-6-09 UPDATE)Authorities say an Army psychiatrist opened fire at the Fort Hood Army post, killing 13 and wounding 30 in the worst mass shooting at a U.S. military base in history. Officials say the gunman was wounded, but is still alive.

Army Psychiatrist Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan is suspected of killing 13 and wounding 30 in a rampage shooting in Fort Hood, Texas on the largest military base in the U.S. Don Teague reports.

(11-7-09 UPDATE)Investigators examined Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan's computer, his home and garbage Friday to learn what motivated the suspect, who lay in a coma, shot four times after officials say he went on the killing spree that left 13 people at Fort Hood dead.

(UPDATE 11-10-09) President Barack Obama Speaks At Fort Hood Memorial Service [VIDEOS]

President Obama's Remarks On Mass Shooting At U.S. Army Base Fort Hood

Press Conference| Mass Shooting By U.S. Soldiers At Fort Hood, Texas

Soldier Shooting Spree

Fort Hood Shooter Army Major Malik Nadal Hasan Was A Psychiatrist

Facts About the Fort Hood Army Base

'Fight Against the Aggressor'

'Ft. Hood Gunman Still Alive'

Surveillance Video Of Fort Hood Shooter Major Nidal Malik Hasan

Dozens Donate Blood in Shooting Aftermath

Army: 13 Dead, 30 Hurt in Attack at Fort Hood

13 Killed in Fort Hood Tragedy

Fort Hood Suspect Said Goodbyes Before Attack(11-7-09 UPDATE)

(If any video or link is broken, please comment below, thanks!)

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