Tuesday, November 10, 2009

President Barack Obama Speaks At Fort Hood Memorial Service [VIDEOS]

[VIDEOS] Army Chief Of Staff General George Casey's Remarks and president Barack Obama gives speech. At a memorial service at Fort Hood, Texas, the President says the stories of those who lost their lives and those who rushed to respond to the tragedy embody the core values that America fights for. November 10, 2009.
Fort Hood Texas Mass Shooter Army Major-Malik Nadal Hasan [VIDEOS]
President Obama And First Lady Arrive Fort Hood Memorial Service

President Obama at Fort Hood: Greatness Before Our Very Eyes

President & First Lady Arrive At Fort Hood Memorial Service

Army Chief Of Staff Gen. Casey's Remarks At Fort Hood Memorial Service

Part 1| President Obama's Speech At Fort Hood Memorial Service

Part 2| President Obama's Speech At Fort Hood Memorial Service

Playing Of Taps & Obama Places His Coins At Fort Hood Memorial Service

(If any video or link is broken, please comment below, thanks!)

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