Something stinks around twilight vampire Edward Cullen – and it isn’t garlic! Now Robert Pattinson is fessing up.
Robert pattinson is coming clean about his hygiene – sort of…the twilight star admits he rarely changes his clothes and that frankly, he’s pretty disgusting.

The star blames his lack of clean clothes on the fact that he’s always traveling, and doesn’t have time to get new threads…ok, it’s called an assistant rob, or a girlfriend. We’re sure you have no problem getting either of those.
But even though he’s the fantasy of Twihards everywhere, rpattz insists, “if one of them came up and sat with me for five minutes – the illusion would be gone!”
Well maybe that would be because of your ahem, aroma.
Robert Pattinson Admits He Stinks & His Hygiene Disgusting
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