Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Toyota F1 Out For 2010 Season Race 減少支出 豐田車隊將退出F1賽事 [VIDEOS]

As a big fan of Formula 1 myself, its just sadden to hear another Japanese racing team pulls out of F1 for year 2010 season for cost cutting after previous Honda F1(My favorite) team walk out right before the 2009 season begin! Toyota, the world's largest automaker apparent having some financing issue due to recent global economic recession, lack of sponsors funding and its recent massive recalls due to problem with sudden or uncontrolled acceleration due to placement of floor mat(really?) in US! Toyota indicates that they like to cut down on the extra spending that they can save to survive through current tough time!

Lets go Honda F1, time to take back what is in your root, RACING HERITAGE!
日本「每日新聞」(Mainichi Shimbun)今天報導,日本豐田汽車公司(Toyota Motor)為因應全球經濟衰退後帶來的結果,將退出一級方程式賽車(Formula One,F1)賽事,以減少支出。

每日新聞說,豐田汽車將於今天舉行臨時董事會,針對是否退出F1做出正式決定,之後由 豐田汽車執行長豐田章男(Akio Toyoda)召開記者會宣佈討論結果。報導並未透露引用何種消息來源。


每日新聞表示,豐田原本計畫參與F1賽事直到2012年,但最後決定本季是最後一次參 與F1,以刪減車廠支出。本季比賽在1日阿布達比(Abu Dhabi)大獎賽結束後已落幕。


山科忠トヨタF1チーム代表 涙の会見!

トヨタ自動車は2009年11月4日の臨時取締役員会において2009年をもってF1 レース活動から撤退することを議決。同日17時より記者会見を行なった。冒頭の豊田章 男社長のスピーチ。

Shkak,problemet e medha ekonomike qe po kalon shtepia japoneze

Toyota pulls out of Formula 1

減少支出 豐田車隊將退出F1賽事


2009.11.4 TOYOTA F1 withdrawal

Formula 1, Toyota largohet zyrtarisht

(If any video or link is broken, please comment below, thanks!)

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