Friday, December 10, 2010

Tom Cloud Ft. Tiff Lacey - A New Day

Alright folks, is that time of the day again! Our very own new vocal trance track of the week...from the uprising trance producer Tom Cloud with the lovely vocal trance goto girl, Tiff Lacey mixing out to a very interesting blend of Mideastern vibe of twisting trance sounds and beats that would get your moving and hands swirling in the air!
This is probably the first vocal trance track that I have ever heard utilizing the flavor of middle east tune, but definitely a good one cause it kind of give out that mysterious Egyptian synth fades, acoustic transition and blends with superb and mesmerizing vocal of Tiff, what an experience to kick out to another sweet new vocal trance of 2010! A different kind of vocal trance, but an interesting one fore sure, enjoy!
PS: This track is dedicating to da "Monsters of the Midway", Chicago Bears to beat New England Patriots in Solider Field this Sunday! A rematch to da 85 Bears in the Super Bowl XX in the making that would give Patriots an ugly beat down!?!?! Go Bears! :)

Tom Cloud Ft. Tiff Lacey - A New Day

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