Thursday, September 22, 2011

Robert Nickson-Maybe Next Time (Original & Avenger Remix)

Most of time, I am looking forward to Thursday, the uplifting trance day of week. Today, we especially need that uplifting and inspiring melody of trance more than ever! I like recommend from once again one of my top favorite England's trance producer, Robert Nickson's "Maybe Next Time" that really pump out great emotional touches to not just my heart but also lifting my spirit!

Robert Nickson - Maybe Next Time (Original Mix) HQ With Davidi Jump

[HD] Robert Nickson - Maybe Next Time (Original Mix)

Robert Nickson - Maybe Next Time (Original Mix) (ASOT137)

Robert Nickson - Maybe Next Time (Avenger Remix)

Robert Nickson - Maybe Next Time (Demex remix) trance 2011

Robert Nickson - Maybe Next Time (Chill Out Mix)

Crude price drops 40% while gasoline price only came down to 7% since its highs, I don't know about you, but we have been overpaying at the pump for months now!!! Everytime crude price came down hard, the consumers have to pray that gas price MAYBE NEXT TIME will come down, if there are no natural disaster somewhere or no war somewhere or some BS somewhere that will shoot the gas price right back up! I am so sick and tire of watching US economy going down the drain again while causing the domino effect of trickling down global economy! How long does it take for president Obama and government to stop oil manipulations and gasoline deregulations that are continuing to cause global artificial inflation!!!

Yea, the only concern that we should focus now and not MAYBE NEXT TIME. We wouldn't be worry about global economy if oil traded at its proper supply and demand level. It already happened in 2008 and yet we failed to learn from the lesson!...!! President Obama, put your priority straight now if you want true economy recovery and not some more BS government money pumping, artificial stimulus, weak job plans and taxation and restrictions that hurt corporate and small businesses to grow and hire!

You want to know the best stimulus that you can fiscally responsible to US citizens or even global people around the world. Come up with restrictions on closing down the loopholes that have been allowing oil manipulators and gasoline dereg...ulators to inflate on the critical economical recovery commodity! Put this overhaul before any of your jobs or deficit reduction plans. This is the best job stimuli that we can ever have, not with more money pump into economy that we don't have! DUH

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