Monday, September 5, 2011

Ben Nicky Ft. Linnea Schossow-Tears (Temple One Remix) HD

Ben Nicky Ft. Linnea Schossow-Tears (Temple One Remix) HD
This beautiful uplifting trance melody is dedicating to the hard working Americans in this labor day who are working so hard and paying lots of taxes just to survive while having to pay artificial inflated prices in everything while subsidizing a big government that is trying to push once capitalistic powerhouse of USA into shit hole socialistic society! Is president Obama where "American Dream" goes die with the "change" that he wanted?

Hearing this remix by once again almighty Temple One, really making me shade tears alone with all those folks can't find jobs and family suffering under current inefficient government! Time for the real change, 2012 please go vote for candidate that don't promise empty change!

Another superb lift work by the one and only Temple One to make the original that much more trancegasmic!

Ben Nicky feat. Linnea Schossow - Tears (Temple One Remix) [HD]

I don't recommend the original, it starts out fantastic until toward the end, it falters so bad that I have to dislike it because the end of this mix really ruin the most part! I include it to make the comparison to Temple One remix!
Ben Nicky feat. Linnea Schossow - Tears

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